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mai 28, 2018

LaTeX in 24 Hours: A Practical Guide for Scientific Writing _ Datta Dilip

This book presents direct and concise explanations and examples to many LaTeX syntax and structures, allowing students and researchers to quickly understand the basics that are required for writing and preparing book manuscripts, journal articles, reports, presentation slides and academic theses and dissertations for publication. Unlike much of the literature currently available on LaTeX, which takes a more technical stance, focusing on the details of the software itself, this book presents a user-focused guide that is concerned with its application to everyday tasks and scenarios. It is packed with exercises and looks at topics like formatting text, drawing and inserting tables and figures, bibliographies and indexes, equations, slides, and provides valuable explanations to error and warning messages so you can get work done with the least time and effort needed. This means LaTeX in 24 Hours can be used by students and researchers with little or no previous experience with LaTeX to gain quick and noticeable results, as well as being used as a quick reference guide for those more experienced who want to refresh their knowledge on the subject.

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